Monday 21 March 2011

Feminism and Post-Feminism

To fully understand the difference between feminism and post-feminism, I thought that putting it into context alongside a music video would be the best way of grasping the two - quite different - approaches to aspects of the media.

Jessie J - 'Do it Like a Dude'

Feminist Response:
  • Although the singer claims that she can 'do it like a dude' and be equal to men by dancing spread-legged and holding what is supposedly her 'crotch', she wears translucent tights and a very high-cut leotard exposing her the entirety of her legs. She also wear heels whilst dancing in this male-like manner and is heavily made-up in layers of make-up which, from a feminist point of view, is actually objectifying herself as a woman through everything that she wears. This greatly contradicts her words as she is actually sexualizing her image to appeal to the 'male gaze', who would find this image sexually stimulating.
  •  The way in which the artist gives herself 'male power' with typically male traits, can actually conform to the idea of 'fetishization' which explains how due to the male sex feeling powerless against a woman like Jessie J's character, they may objectify her and use her male traits to provide them with sexual pleasure and turning this fear into a fetish - again, sexually objectifying women.
Post-Feminist Response:
  • Through sexualizing herself, Jessie J is in actual fact exploiting men through their sexual desires whilst setting her overall standards the same as men through the entire concept of the lyrics 'do it like a dude'. The artist/actress is embracing her sexuality as a female and in doing so, sexually empowers females.
  • By visually stimulating the idea of woman-power, Jessie J can provide other women with 'narcissistic identification' as they may look at her and see how empowered she is as a woman and identify or aspire to portray and adopt those same values.

So ultimately, feminism and post-feminism are very different in their proposals of the representations of women in the media, and more specifically music videos. feminism is strictly against any form of male dominance. therefore women may actually have to restrict themselves from doing certain typically female activities as they may fear that this will present them as a conformist to the male dominating society. However post-feminist's realized that woman - for instance - don't need to repress their sexual desires and needs, and in satisfying their sexual needs and other desires, they are using men as opposed to being used by men. Therefore women aren't being objectified, but rather the men are being objectified to please and satisfy the need and requirements of females instead.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent independent research, Abi. You can use this in the exam, too!
