Tuesday 19 April 2011

Blocked Plan #2

Shooting Schedule #2

Wednesday 30th March 2011 – Filming of both actors, Dilara and Dan

Smiley necklace
Dilara’s maxi dress
Dan’s shirt
Dan’s bow tie
Printed photo’s of Dan at party
Dan’s jeans (from previous shooting)
Dan’s red t-shirt (from previous shooting)
Satchel bag for Dilara
Purple cardigan for Dilara
Dan’s turquoise plimsolls
Dilara’s Blackberry

Blocked Plan

  1. Panning establishing shot of Dilara walking along grassy pane
  2. Medium shot of Dilara showing that she has given up
  3. Long shot of Dilara sitting on grass
  4. Close-up, over-the-shoulder shot of Dilara looking at photo’s
  5. Extreme close-up shot of Dilara pulling out grass
1.      Long shot of Dan walking out of forest bush
2.      Medium shot of Dan finding and picking up shirt off bush
3.      Medium shot of Dan putting on shirt
4.      Medium shot of Dan finding bow tie
5.      Medium shot of Dan finding Dilara’s cardigan on branch
6.      Close-up shot of Dan’s face when he sees Dilara
7.      Panning shot of Dan rushing to Dilara
Group Shots
  1. Group shot of Dilara snatching cardigan from Dan and pushing him away
  2. Dan reacts with confusion and Dialra pulls out photos
  3. Dan takes photo’s and tries to explain
  4. Medium shot of Dan grabbing Dilara and getting down on one knee
  5. Group shot Dan presents smiley necklace to Dilara
  6. Medium shot of Dan and Dilara hugging
  7. Long shot of Dan and Dilara holding hands and walking away out of camera view
  8. Establishing shot of drama studio with black curtains drawn. Dan and Dilara come out from behind curtains
  9. Long shot of Dan pulling Dilara into middle of room
  10. Dan twirls Dilara into his arms
  11. Medium shot of Dilara in Dan’s arms, both tilt faces in eachothers direction
  12. Lights go off, Black Out

After shooting this blocked plan and the first blocked plan, I realised that although there was enough footage in relation to time to create a 3-minute-long music video, there was not enough footage to provide the audience with a visually enhancing narrative. Due to this then, I decided to film some more footage and expand on the filming/narrative that had already been made to give our music video a better narrative that was more visually stimulating and interesting. The decision was then made to use Dilara more heavily and almost to convey her story which would ultimately be portrayed as a parallel to Dan's journey. In doing this, the audience can gain a better understanding of the two characters and therefore have the opportunity to empathise with them. Therefore this will allow the audience to potentially be emotionally stimulated as well as visually interested.

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