Tuesday 19 April 2011

Blocked Plan #3

Shooting Schedule #3

Saturday 2nd April 2011 – Filming of Dilara (female actor)

Dilara’s maxi dress
Satchel bag
Photo’s of Dan at Party
Dilara’s Blackberry
Make-up box with make-up
Purple cardigan
Same shoes as shooting schedule #2

Blocked Plan:
  1. Medium shot of Dilara in bed sleeping
  2. Medium shot of Dilara getting up and sitting on edge of bed
  3. Long shot of Dilara looking out of bedroom window
  4. Panning camera movement of Dilara walking away from window and past camera
  5. Close-up shot of Dilara holding Blackberry
  6. Extreme close-up of Dilara sending Dan text message ‘where are you?’
  7. Long shot of Dilara walking into living room and sitting on left of big sofa
  8. Long shot of Dialra sitting on right of big sofa
  9. Long shot of Dilara lying on big sofa
  10. Medium shot of Dilara sitting and then slouching on armchair sofa
  11. Medium shot of Dilara checking Blackberry and then throwing it on floor
  12. panning mode of Dilara walking and sitting on at computer
  13. medium shot of Dilara searching Facebook and sees photos of Dan
  14. Close-up shot of Dilara putting head in hands
  15. Medium panning shot following Dilara out onto balcony
  16. Medium shot of Dilara walking into kitchen
  17. Medium shot of Dilara walking out of kitchen and into bathroom
  18. Long shot of Dilara pulling dress out of wash basket and walking out of bathroom
  19. Panning mode following Dilara into bedroom
  20. Close-up shot of floor as Dialra throws pyjamas on floor
  21. Close-up shot of Dilara tying up dress
  22. Long-shot of Dialra putting on make-up in bathroom
  23. Extreme close-up of Dilara unlocking and opening flat door
  24. Long shot of Dialra walking down stair and out of flat
  25. Long panning shot of Dilara walking along grass pane
  26. Dilara takes cardigan off and leaves it on a tree branch
  27. Medium shot of Dilara walking into a bush
  28. Close-up shot of Dilara typing and posting 'where are you?' on Dan's Facebook wall
  29. Point-of-view shot of Dilara dropping a vase of dried roses onto the floor
In including Dilara's character to the extent and detail that I have, Dilara has now become a main character so any barriers differentiating the importance of one character to there other has now been eliminated. So now, both the characters of Dilara and Dan are of equal importance and the music video is more of a narrative rather than a day in the life of Dan.  

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