Sunday 3 April 2011

Sex, Violence and Music Videos

OFCOM Investigation/Report (2005)

 The OFCOM report on sexual imagery in music video broadcasting revealed a number of valuable propositions outlined by both professionals and average members of the public. The general ideas that are discussed are based around the issues of language, lifestyle, but more importantly, the incorporation of violent/extreme images and sexualized imagery.

Most of these issues are regulated to an 'acceptable' standard (like language being regulated on the radio and before the watershed hour), however the issues of sexual imagery and violence have only become more intense. The main problem that the report explained, was the fact that music videos are 'thought to have a potentially powerful effect on children and young adults' as they are the audience who are most attracted to music videos. If this is the case, then these young people of society will be heavily influenced by the music videos they expose themselves to and idolize certain artists. These artists will then set aspirations for their fans and these fans will imitate and act like their role models.

In the case of rap music, violence and crime is a key element of an artists portrayal. A member of the public had expressed their view that the issue becomes apparent when 'children strut in and think they're Eminem or 50 Cent and use their same words'. This immediately creates an issue with the language that young people are using nowadays as they are being heavily influenced by artists like 50 Cent and Eminem who use a LOT of negative and bad language in their songs which could in turn have a negative effect on their fans.

In terms of sex, there were many concerns that parents had for their children as many 'innocent' artists such as Britney Spears have now changed from being young and fun girls into sex idols. Singer's like Britney Spears initially had strong fan bases amongst pre-teens and parents 'do not think it is appropriate for this type of sexual imagery to be used in videos aimed at such young age groups'. Although Britney may have expanded her fan base, she has now changed her image along with her morals and behaviours which therefore influence her fans as she is a role model for them. A parent of a young child had said that they found it disturbing that 'she is on a bed and touching herself' and also that 'it is worse with Britney Spears because she was like a good little angel', so the transition is even greater and more noticeable for not only her fans but also other members of the public. Parents do not wish for their children to be so heavily influenced by music videos and then go on to imitate and reproduce the behaviours that musical role models such as Britney Spears portray in videos such as 'My Perogative' and 'Gimme More'. From songs like 'Sometimes' to 'Toxic', the changes in Britney Spears are visibly extreme and blatant.

'Sometimes' - Britney Spears                                                  

'Gimme More' - Britney Spears

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